Another Round Read online

Page 14

  Her fingers twist in the green fabric of the scrubs they gave me since I was shirtless in my haste to find her. “I’m sorry.”

  I stroke over her tangled hair. The scent of rain seeped in the strands that makes my fury flare from the reminder of her laid out on the ground. “I don’t know what you were thinking leaving without me.”

  “I didn’t want to wake you up.”

  Too sweet for her own good despite how tough she wants to be. I lean back from our embrace so she can see the staunch resolution in my expression. “Always wake me up. I’ve been fucking asleep for years before I met you, and I want to be with you no matter what time it is.”


  The blush I love brightens her flushed face even more, and she smiles when she nods. Both of us calming down from our mutual agreement. “I need to get you home.”

  “Not yet. We have to go see Gus first.”

  Stubborn as hell but this time I can’t disagree.

  “He’s out of surgery. His injuries are pretty extensive, but we were able to stop the internal bleeding and his vitals are strong. All we can do now is wait and see.”

  Evie nods to the vet. Unable to speak with the agony gripping her. All this time we thought we were saving that dog and instead he ended up saving her. We can’t lose him now. “Whatever you have to do, whatever it costs, do it.”

  “Of course, Mr. Cole.” The woman gives us a reassuring smile. Acting as optimistic as possible while Evie crumbles. “As soon as he wakes up, we’ll let you know.”

  Evie curls into me before the doctor turns away. Exhausted and terrified, she’s never needed my strength more than now. I wrap my arms tight around her and lay my head on top of hers. Shielding her body and her heart from any more trauma. “He’s going to be fine. He’s too much of a goofball to even realize he’s injured. He’ll wake up and start running around and sniffing for cheese.”

  Laughing and sobbing at the same time isn’t good, but I guess it’s better than just crying. My own sentiments conflicting just as much as hers. I should get her home and into bed, but I can’t leave Gus either. Not after he’s done a better job of protecting her than I have.

  I scoop her up and carry her to the well-worn brown sofa in the waiting room. The springs squealing under my weight as I settle in with her resting against me. Probably look like a wanker with her sideways on my lap and her head on my chest. At this point I don’t give a damn. I just need to make her as comfortable as possible. I need to be the one to make her rest. “Go ahead and sleep. As soon as they come for us, I’ll wake you up.”

  Her hair rustles against my shirt as she shakes her head. “What if he needs me? I can’t let him down.”

  Already proving what a good mum she is, she sacrifices her own needs for his. “That’s what I’m here for. He wakes up, I wake you up. Okay?”

  Silence. Which means not okay. Damn stubborn and I love her for it. Even if she disagrees with me.

  We sit quietly. She doesn’t fall asleep, but at least she’s resting. Off her feet and in my arms. A bloke walks in with a cat, golden and fat, in a carrier, who watches us from its place on the floor while the man converses with the woman at the window. His voice cracking with worry as he explains her lack of appetite and lethargic state. He glances at us when he grabs the handle again to carry the feline to the back and frowns. His anxiety reflecting ours.

  “I could do it if I needed to.”

  I stroke down her cool skin. Trying to keep her warm. Trying to keep her calm. “Do what, trouble?”

  “Protect Gus. I would’ve been able to shoot him. I was afraid but I know I could do it.”

  Emotion gets the best of her, and her declaration ends on a whisper. I believe her. She’s loyal and fierce and tough enough to protect the ones she loves. “Then once you’re both better, I’ll teach you.” I caress over her stomach and kiss her head with a small smile on my lips. “But it might be difficult around a baby bump.”

  “I’d kill for him or her too.”

  My own adamancy is just as strong when I feel her little body stiffen in my embrace. Already tensing from the thought of anyone harming her child. “Me too.”

  “Now I know why my Dad worries so much about me. I don’t think I’ve ever been more scared. Not just for me but for the baby.”

  Nick’s going to lose his mind over this. She’s not ready to go there yet, and I’m not really either. So I ignore that discussion for now. “I fucking hate the way you realized it but at least now you understand.”

  “I do. Very much. And, it makes me question how I see myself in the future. Being a mom is now more important to me than anything else. That might seem wrong but it’s true.”

  “Why is it wrong? It’s just different. Priorities shift. Dreams change.”


  She says yes but her tone implies maybe. She’s still unsure. Doubts that changing her mind about running the family is okay. “I mean look at me. I’m better than I ever thought I could be because of you. Six months ago I was a grumpy old man.”

  That suggestion evokes a giggle out of her. “Was grumpy?”

  “I’m still grumpy but now I’m lucky enough to have a spoiled brat who puts up with my grumpiness.”

  “Was spoiled.”

  “If you say so…”

  The door swings open again, and the doctor’s face matches our quiet amusement. “He’s awake and alert. I think he’s pulled through the worst of it.”

  Evie jumps off my lap with more energy than I expect with everything she’s been through. Tears of joy stream down her face. “Can we see him?”

  “Of course. Come this way.”

  She motions for us to follow her although Evie already is on the move. Clasping my hand and tugging at me to keep up. We wind through three short hallways to a small room where Gus lays on his side with his legs sticking straight out in front of him. His yelp of recognition and relief when he sees her makes her sob all over again. Fuck me if tears don’t burn my eyes too. Stupid dog.

  I help lower Evie down to sit next to him. She nuzzles his ear and strokes down his body while I caress his head. “You can have all the cheese you ever want after this buddy.”

  Evie nods in agreement with my promise. “Daddy’s right. You’re a good boy. A good, good boy.”

  His tail thumps against the cushion with elation until his eyes fall shut and he drifts off. Sleeping soundly with his mum safe and loving on him. When Evie’s body slumps against mine, I know it’s time for her to go too. “We’ll come back tomorrow okay?”

  After one more snuggle to his face she nods. Finally some agreement. She rises slowly with my support. Swaying a bit when she stands so I scoop her up again. Probably dizzy from the head injury as well as fatigue.


  We startle the doctor when I carry Evie around the corner. Surprise lining the vet’s face from her weak state. Yet Evie draws on her inner strength and lifts up.

  “If something changes, call us and we’ll come right back.”

  The physician nods. “He’ll probably sleep on and off the rest of the day, but we’ll let you know if we need you. He should be ready to go home in a few days if he keeps doing this well.”

  I curl Evie tighter to me to end the conversation. “Thank you.”

  She doesn’t protest. Snuggling in while I head back to the receptionist’s desk to call for an Uber. “See? I knew he’d be all right.”

  No answer. I peek down. Asleep. I kiss her forehead and smile. Our world is good again. At least for now.

  A bang hard enough to rattle the dishes on the tray next to the bed ruins my pleasure of her finally eating a full meal, and I jerk around prepared to do battle with the person who made her jump.


  Already a big man, he fills the rest of the doorway with his rage, pulsing hot and hard at me. That I could feel even through the driver’s text a few minutes ago that they were almost here.

  “If she wasn’t pregnant with your ch
ild, I’d fucking kill you myself.”

  Deserved. He should kill me for failing him, failing her, failing myself. “I know I fucked up, but I can’t be sorry. I love her too much to be sorry.”

  “I love him too.”

  Evie pipes up behind me and slides her hand around my waist. But he doesn’t give a damn about how she feels or how I feel. Only what I’ve done.


  Shae slips in front of her husband. Still beautiful as ever with only a few laugh lines near her eyes that I know really are from smiling. Which makes me happy to see her happy. Even if the man who makes her happy wishes I was dead.

  “I need to make sure she’s okay.”

  One sincere plea from his wife, one persuasive touch on his arm, and the man actually stands down. Stops snarling. Starts breathing again. Proof of the damn power these women have over us. I live because of Shae. I’m alive because of her daughter and the gift she gives me.

  Nick’s hand automatically curls over Shae’s shoulder when she steps closer to us. Understandable but still a punishing kick to my gut. Ironic that he guards her from the man he used to trust to protect her. Protect both of them.

  Much more forgiving than her husband, Shae includes me in her enormous hug with her daughter. Enveloping and comforting both of us after what we’ve been through. I pat her mum’s back a few times under Nick’s seething gaze and then pull back. Appreciating the sentiment but knowing how much she needs Evie and Evie needs her.

  Although I keep my hand entwined with their daughter’s. To claim Evie for everyone to see and know and understand. Regardless of Nick’s rage or Shae’s pardon, they both need to accept she’s mine, and I’m not giving her up.

  Evie’s gaze darts to me and then her father and back again. I smile. Letting her know everything is going to be all right. I’ll fight for both of us. Endure anything Nick doles out. Her eyes sink shut with my approval, and she snuggles into her mum. Probably well aware both her father and I are still standing due to her mother’s intervention. Neither of us willing to battle in front of her.

  “I’m fine Mom. I promise.”

  The tiny women cling to each other. Shae beams with the love of a new grandmother despite the tears sliding down her flushed cheeks. “That’s all that matters.”

  Forgiveness. Understanding. Joy. At least from her. Nick motions for me to follow him into the hallway. I only go because she’s with her mum, and we need to end this. I’ll allow him to say his peace but then I’m not going to keep arguing with him because there is nothing to argue about.

  I stand and kiss the top of Evie’s head. “I’ll be right back.”

  Worry pinches her face, and she grabs for my hand. Fearful of her father’s wrath. I shake my head before she can protest. “It’s okay, I swear.”

  Once I step outside, three of Nick’s men hustle past. None of them look at me as they file in. Indicative of the death sentence they think I face. Yet both Nick and I know I could take all of them if I needed to, so any attempt to keep her from me would be a worthless effort anyway.

  Two more bodyguards stand near us in the corridor. Neither one seems ready to attack. I can’t say the same about Nick when his fist drives into my jaw. Slamming my back into the wall from the force. Motherfucker.

  “I paid you to protect her not fuck her. I fucking trusted you.”

  I nod at his accusation while I rub the burn on my face. No explanation will appease him, so I don’t bother with rationalization or retaliation.

  “I mean god damn it Andy you’re old enough to be her fucking father. I knew I risked her meeting someone while she was out here, but I never expected it to be you.”

  Calm. Calm for Evie. Calm for the baby. “I didn’t expect it either. Neither of us did.”

  “You’re a real bastard for taking advantage of her.”

  He comes at me again, and I square up. One hit I deserve. Two hits will get ugly because his men will dive into the fray if I defend myself. I’d never purposely hurt my future father-in-law, but I won’t allow him to upset Evie either with a brawl twenty feet from her recovery bed.

  The handle clicks next to me, and Nick shoves off my shoulder, restraining himself too from the implication of the noise. The taller blond man holds the door open for the real boss, and Shae thanks the bodyguard before bee lining straight to her husband. He curls her to him, cupping his palm over the back of her head. Still as protective and affectionate as ever despite his gaze boring into me even as he caresses down her hair.

  “How’s she doing, sweetness?”

  “Good. She’s exhausted but too worried to sleep. She doesn’t want you two to fight.”

  I own this. “We’re not fighting. The discussion is over. Both of us are going to do what’s best for Evie.”

  “Which is coming home with us.”

  This is an impasse he won’t ever win but I choose my words carefully for Evie’s sake and in Shae’s presence. “I don’t care where she lives but you need to know I will be with her wherever that ends up being.”

  “I can’t even trust you to protect her. You claim you love her and then you let her walk that dog alone in the middle of the night and get attacked.”

  That’s the charge that hurts the most because he’s a thousand times accurate and I can’t forgive myself for my mistake. I can only tell him the truth. “I messed up because I trusted her not to leave without me. But she’s as stubborn as you are and thinks she’s just as tough.”

  The accuracy of my statement flickers in his expression. She’s totally him in that regard, and he can’t deny reality. “But I won’t ever let it happen again.”

  “You sure as hell won’t because I’m taking her home and making sure she’s guarded by someone who can actually do their damn job without fucking her while he does it.”

  Shae answers before I can.

  “No one wanted me and you together, remember?”

  I can’t see her face as she looks up to her husband. But the implication relaxes his. He nods, growling low in his throat because she’s right and it’s true. They defied everyone else and made their own happiness. Just like Evie and me.

  “You need to let them work it out for themselves. We’re just the grandparents now.”

  Now he smiles. A little bit at her anyway. It’s still Nick but Shae’s the only person who can generate the sentiment in the ruthless mobster. With her out here now, maybe I can get him to listen to some logic. “I really do love her, and unlike Caleb or some of those other punks she could’ve met, I won’t ever hit her or cheat on her. I’ll protect her with my life because I know what it means to be in your family, Nick. You don’t have to worry about hiding that world from me.”

  Deep down he knows I’m right. She can’t marry some random guy and if she marries into another mafia family, she’ll never be free. At least with me she has a chance. The choice to break away if she wants. Optimism releases some of the worry from Shae’s expression although he doesn’t seem placated by my reasoning.

  “I want to talk to her myself.”

  I get a terse chin bob before he leads Shae back inside. Giving in to his wife if not to us. Leaving me outside my own damn apartment. But I owe him this. I stand down and give them the chance to talk with their daughter. One last time as a family before I become a member of it too and won’t ever be excluded from any conversations that involve my wife or child.

  Although my tolerance isn’t good enough to let them close the door. I won’t interfere but I sure as hell refuse to let him bully or berate her. I won’t allow anyone, including a deadly mob boss, to disrespect the woman I love.

  I lean against the doorframe. Catching murmurs of their conversation. Strained tones from Nick and Evie while Shae plays the peace maker as always. Back and forth until another hug between Evie and her mum after about thirty minutes. Then a reluctant embrace between Evie and her father. Until his grip tightens, and he holds her for a long time whispering something in her ear that makes her nod and then l
augh. Causing Shae to sweep away the tears flowing down her cheeks again.

  My own body relaxes with their reconciliation. Although I’m anxious to get back to Evie now that the battle is over. We didn’t win but we didn’t lose either. Which is enough for today.

  Shae’s smile never wavers as Nick escorts her toward me. “Are you sure it’s okay if we stay next door to help take care of her for a few days?”

  Nick, still furious with me, huffs with disgust. “We’re staying. He doesn’t have any choice.”

  I ignore his slight. Not taking the bait for another quarrel that no one needs. I smile at Shae. “Of course, doll. Happy to have you.”

  “Thank you. We’ll check in on both of you later.”

  Once they pass by, I head to my home. To my Evie. Her heavy yet still gorgeous eyes open wider from the sound of my footsteps on the hardwood. I dismiss the men with my own nod. I don’t need their help to protect the mother of my child. But they can guard from the hallway if Nick’s that adamant for their presence. I’m employing the old adage to pick my battles and right now I don’t care enough about them to contest his overbearing behavior.

  This time I do close the door and stride straight to her. She reaches for me and I gladly accept. Dropping next to her on the mattress and holding her small hand between mine. So delicate against my huge fingers.

  “He’s still mad but at least he calmed down a little.”

  I tilt my head to the side and smirk despite the pain radiating in my cheek from his hit. Giving the eyebrow back to her this time.

  “I said a little.”

  A small but genuine giggle lifts her lips into a grin, and she rests against the pillow with that worry minimized if not gone completely. We both know how her father is. “You need to get some sleep.”

  “I know. But what about—”

  “Nope.” I shake my head and stroke my thumb across her lip quieting her question. “Nothing matters but you resting and me taking care of you. We’ll worry about all the rest later.”

  Full agreement in her nod and expression as she snuggles in. “I love you.”