Another Round Read online

Page 10

  All I get is a nod. Too much ecstasy for her to respond. I answer for her with a pinch of the pulsing silky nub and a plea for her to give into what we both want. “Let go Evie. Let me see again how fucking beautiful you are when come all over my cock.”

  She does and it really is beautiful. A small but gorgeous orgasm that makes my dick deliriously happy. She’s satisfied, and he can get his now too. Needing to protect her from more pain since I don’t think I can control myself to be gentle anymore, I pull out and grab my cock. Slick with her purity and her release, I only need a few hard strokes before I explode on her thigh. Endless sticky streams that have been a long time coming literally. “Next time I’m coming inside you until you can’t take me anymore.”

  Another nod. She really is spent, tucking into my chest and snuggling against me. Unfazed by the mess on her leg. Just cuddling with me as I wrap my arms around her and hold her until both of us drift off.

  It’s funny how this tension ripples between us, this anticipation swelling over us about what tonight will bring, yet we still have a brilliant time together this afternoon. Maybe because we started out as unlikely friends. Maybe because I’ve accepted the inevitable and finally eased some of her insecurity. Maybe because she’s accepted that she’s mine.

  Probably because she thinks I’m crazy. Which I am. About her.

  I take her hand, entwining her fingers and not letting them go.

  I keep her close, tucking her next to me while we walk to the concession stand and curling my arm around her shoulders back at our seats while she eats her hot dog.

  I kiss her forehead, her cheek, her neck. Until I want to go lower and force myself to stop. But always confirming I want her. Not allowing any ambiguity between us about how I feel anymore. Only anticipation for what we’re going to be and what we’re going to do.

  Although, I have no idea what we’re going to do about Gus.

  Amused, and maybe even a tiny bit jealous if I’m honest, of the chocolate lab boxer mix who’s just as enamored with her as she is with him. He pins her to the concrete with his huge black paws on her knees while she sits cross legged loving on him. Hell I’d lick her face too if she made the promises to me she’s making to him.

  “I’m going to take you home…” She scratches the top of his head and then slowly strokes down his silky ears. As soon as she reaches the bottom, Gus’s head waves around wildly, nudging the tips of her fingers. Eager for her to pet him again. Enticing her with tiny yelps of encouragement. “… and spoil you and let you sleep in my bed and buy you a bunch of toys to play with and let you do anything you want.”

  The dog believes everything she swears, thrusting forward so swift and enthusiastic she tumbles back against my legs. Thank fuck I’m guarding right behind her to keep her from smashing against the ground. I gently but firmly push back his solid shoulders so she can sit up, modestly tucking her dress back down over her knickers. Making me growl this time that she gave everyone a show of her pink thong that only I am allowed to see from now on. “He’s as big as you are Evie and probably just as much trouble.”

  All eyebrow and attitude from my assertion, she shakes her head and cups his face while his tongue laps at her palms. “He can’t help it. He’s still a puppy.”

  I point to some of the other cages. Nodding toward a fluffy white fur ball no bigger than my shoe. “Do you think maybe you should pick one that’s smaller? More manageable?”

  Her arms fly around his neck, and she squeezes him with a death grip I hope I get later around my cock. “Never!”

  The abhorrence in her tone confirms if I don’t give in, the only one’s who’s going to end up in the doghouse is me. I blow out a long, exaggerated sigh, accepting defeat. “Okay, what do we have to do?”

  Gratitude glows on the face of the gray-haired woman standing next to Gus’s pen. “Well, normally we have you complete the application and once it’s approved you can come back and pick him up at our facility. But, we’re at emergency levels with the number of animals we have, so we’ll let you take him home today. All I ask is that if you change your mind, bring him back to us. We’ll refund your money no questions asked. Just please, please, please don’t take him to a kill shelter or dump him somewhere.”

  A little bit over-the-top with the dramatic plea, but I’d have to guess she’s seen the worst of what idiotic humans do to innocent animals.

  “We’d never do that. I swear.”

  The lady nods enthusiastically from Evie’s promise and protective hug around Gus. Evidently believing her. Or at least optimistic enough to hope she can be trusted.

  “Great! I just need you to fill this out. The fee is one hundred and fifty dollars for his neutering and microchip and everything.”

  Without asking for my hand, Evie jumps to her feet. Only cringing a little from earlier. Which makes me wince too. Irrational anger spikes in my body from her pain while she seems accepting of the discomfort. Only smiling at me through her blush when I ask in her ear if she’s okay.

  “I’m perfect.”

  Sealed with a kiss on my cheek. That stirs up my dick already excited about getting her home again. Naked and in my bed where she sleeps from now on.

  Which I realize is another failure to her father, as I yank out my wallet that I’m not honoring any of Nick’s requests for her. Although it’s apparent I’m mistaken when she pops open her small purse and pulls out the bills to pay. Obviously no question at all in her mind as she signs the paperwork and hands over the cash with an enormous grin on her gorgeous face. Gus is a lucky, lucky dog.

  Gus is a bad, bad dog.

  Okay, not bad really. Just demonic with way too much energy for five in the morning. I just want to fuck my girl. He just wants to play with her. No surprise who’s the loser in this battle.

  He’s the best damn chaperone I’ve ever had to deal with. I haven’t even been able to hold her hand without him bounding between us. All she does is laugh. Her glorious joyful laugh. That makes all of this worth it.

  After another walk to the park down the street where I have to clean up his shit for the third time, he’s finally tired. Walking around in ten circles before plopping down onto his blue and white—or gingham—as Evie describes the cushion. His huge brown eyes sinking shut once his fur snuggles into the fluffy fabric.

  I’m tired too. But not too tired to admire the beauty in my bed. Who I told to get some sleep since she has to be at work in a few hours. She swore she was only going to rest her eyes for a minute and now she’s out. Burrowed deep under the comforter lying on her stomach with her hands tucked under the pillow and a small smile on her lips. That I know is from Gus. But I’m dedicated to doing everything I can do to make the grin bigger and from me.

  I shed my shirt, jeans, and boxer briefs and climb onto the mattress next to her hip. Impossible to resist the temptation of sweeping the tangled black strands off her bare back. Porcelain skin as smooth and pure as she is. Bending over to leisurely kiss across each shoulder, down her spine, and both of the dimples above her cute arse.


  She’s awake. Kind of. Enough for me to keep going. I move to her small feet and slowly massage up her slender legs. Over her ankles, calves, knees, and thighs. An adorable shiver runs through her when I slide my palms around to her hips and lift her to her knees. Her arse in the air with her face still snuggled into her pillow like the yoga position I’ve seen her in a hundred times.

  “What are you doing?”

  Her voice cracks from sleep but at least she’s up. Just like my cock. “You.”

  She giggles from my lame joke until my fingers find her pussy. Waking her up completely when I stroke between her lips and circle her clit until wetness trickles onto my fingertips. Parting her legs wider for me to pleasure her as she moans.

  Ensuring I’m coated in her arousal before I dip inside her in case she’s still tender from yesterday. No resistance at all as I add another finger. Searching for the spot that makes her
moan again. I earn more than a moan and my cock twitches with fervor when she fists the sheets in ecstasy and pushes back to ride my hand again. God I fucking love when she does that.

  My slick fingers slide forward while my thumb presses against the perfect little pucker of her arse. The taut skin bouncing faintly from the slight pressure.

  Her whimpers quiet down, and she stiffens under my touch. Lifting her head and looking back at me with apprehension.

  “Andy? I don’t think—”

  “Shhhhh.” I shake my head and caress the uncertainty out of her tone with my free hand following the curve of her hip and thigh. After the damn blood bath I caused her yesterday, I know I won’t fit anywhere else. “You know I’d never hurt you. You’re too small and can’t take me there.”

  Relief softens her body, and she nods before laying her head back down. Following the flow of my hands as I massage my way back between her legs and resume my attention to her swollen clit. “But I am going to fuck that sweet pussy again.”

  As much as I want to fuck her from behind, I remind myself there’s plenty of time for me to take her in all sorts of ways. Right now, I need to be gentle like yesterday. Reassure her that she never has to doubt that I’ll treat her with tenderness until she’s ready for me not to.

  Although maybe she’s already ready for me to be rough with her arse wiggling against me. Seeking more friction. More pleasure. More me. Fuck if I’m not going to give her what she wants.

  I press my palm against the cool, smooth skin between her shoulder blades to keep her in place while my other hand wraps around the headboard. I still need to hold back against injuring her small frame and inexperienced pussy. “We only have a few minutes but it’s going to be enough for you to be thinking about me all day.”

  She squirms against me as much as she can with me overpowering her. “I already do.”

  Oh hell. Three words that snap my control, and I release her only long enough to glide my cock between her lips and push the tip inside. Slow and controlled because she’s so damn tight and so beautifully innocent. I refuse to hurt her delicate body again from the beast she’s unleashed. “What do you think about me when you’re at work?”


  Fuck. I thrust again from her breathless agreement. Pushing another inch deeper while her pussy gradually opens for me. “You imagine me fucking you while you sit at your desk posting on Instagram and Snapchat?”


  “Tell me.” I reward her breathless admission with more of my cock. Filling her completely until I’m fully seated. “Let me hear what you think about me that makes your knickers wet while you type.”

  “Your hands. Gentle but strong. P-protective all the t-time…”

  I’m losing her. Hell, I’m losing myself. My fingertips dig into her back, and I force myself to slow down as I pump into her. My body coiled tight with need tingling in every muscle from my chest to my balls. “What else?”

  “Your voice. The w-way it sounds when you call me trouble. Like you own me. Like I’m really yours.”

  “You really are mine.” My grip tightens on the cold metal railing above her head. I can’t restrain myself any longer and pump into her. The bed frame groaning along with her from the intensity. Her body trembles beneath mine. Unable to withstand the power of my force. Unable to control the release building in her tightening pussy.

  The first time I fucked her was out of jealousy. Giving in to my feelings because of another bastard wanting her. Now it’s all love. For the selfless and all-encompassing emotion that I was too foolish to realize she was offering me. Too stubborn to realize I shouldn’t be jacking her around back and forth when I knew all along I loved her. I need her to know too.

  I curl over her back as I pound into her. Peppering her damp skin with kisses and whispers begging forgiveness. She takes everything I give her. Withstanding my stupidity and accepting my flaws while her magnificent body strains upward to meet me in joining in the simplest and most beautiful of ways.

  I have to watch her exquisite face when she comes, so I lift up and yank her hair more to the right, turning her gorgeous profile to lay against the white fabric. Flushed and dewy as she whimpers while she fights sliding forward with her small hands fisting the sheets. The outline of my handprint on her back pushes me to the edge with the thought of me marking her permanently as much as I said I hated the idea. Now I want nothing more for everyone to know she belongs to me. I hold back telling her how I genuinely feel but she’s the one who shocks the hell out of me when her eyes blink open and she looks at me as best she can with her neck twisting up from the pillow.

  “I love you Andy.”

  Fuck me. Only one thing to say. “I love you too trouble.”

  Her knees buckle from the orgasm that rips through her and I catch her while we crash down as the mattress slams to the floor. Tearing away from the headboard with a final groan from our frenzy.

  I roll us to our sides, holding her tight as she laughs and pants in exhaustion while I come inside her. Drenching her just like I said I would. Loving her like I should have all along and always will.

  I’m still shocked sometimes when I don’t wake up alone.

  After a month of fucking her almost every night, I should be used to having Evie cuddled next to me and Gus snoring at our feet every morning. Not sure how long it will take to accept the permanency of them in my bed. But I know there will never be a day I don’t appreciate their presence. That I won’t appreciate her for giving me this perfection.

  Usually we can only have a quickie before we head out for our run to help dissipate some of the dog’s energy, but since she’s off work for the next three days, I’m going to let her sleep in and then I’m going to fuck her long and slow to make up for all those rushed mornings.

  Or maybe not.

  My cock bobs harder against my stomach in anticipation when her hand caresses over my chest and she lifts her head from my shoulder. Smiling up at me with a sleepy grin.

  “Good morning.”

  “Good morning trouble.” I flip us over and pin her to the mattress so fast Gus barks before he leaps off the bed. An uncanny sense to know when he’s the third wheel. “I’m going to make it even better than good now that you’re awake.”


  She giggles and thrashes beneath me, exciting my dick even more with her futile resistance.

  “You know I have to brush my teeth first.”

  I suck the tender skin on her neck and glide my hand down her body. Breeching the waistband of the tiny pink silk shorts she wears to bed and waking up her sweet little clit too. “I don’t care about morning breath because I’m getting ready to taste like p—”

  Her hand smacks over my mouth. “Gross! Don’t say it! You are so disgusting.”

  Now it’s my turn to laugh against her little fingers. Curling around my cheek while she pretends to try and get away. I’ll never tire of this same silly argument. Of this feeling of utter completion.

  Although we must be more rambunctious than normal, stirring Gus into a frenzy. He jumps back up, whining and pawing at the blankets by her head. Miserable without her attention just like I would be. Wishing I could growl him away from my prey, but well aware she’ll take his side, I lift enough for her to slide her other hand out and appease him with some affection.

  Once she strokes his head, it’s over for me. He pushes me out of the way with his thick body to get on top of her himself. Trying to lick her face while she laughs and battles him like she did me. I concede my position and lay on my side next to her. Petting down his back too. He really is a good dog.

  “Okay, buddy, okay. Let me go to the bathroom first and then we’ll take you for a walk.”

  As soon as he hears his most favorite word in the world other than cheese, he flies onto the floor, bolts to the kitchen to yank down his leash from the hook, and prances to the door with the blue cord hanging out of his mouth. Waiting impatiently while she hops up too. Away fr
om me. Damn dog.

  He only vacates his post when she goes into the bathroom. Never happy when he can’t see her. Another thing we have in common. He trudges over and nudges the door making her squeal when he squeezes in the narrow opening.

  “No Gus. Down buddy. I can’t pee with you jumping on me. Go see Daddy. Daddy wants you to hang out with him.”


  She peers around the door, grinning an embarrassed grin. “Call to him please. Get him to come to you.”

  So fucking beautiful my chest hurts. She means the dog. She thinks of me as the daddy of a dog. That she and I are the parents of an animal. But all I can imagine is us as parents to our own child. Of her calling me daddy to our son or daughter.


  Perplexity steals her smile, and she tilts her head wondering why I’m acting like a dumb arse.

  “Sorry love.” I shake my head. Trying not to seem as fucked up as I really am. “Come here Gus. I’ve got cheese. You want some cheese?”

  Luckily she jumps out of the way so he doesn’t knock her down in his urgency to get to me. Or rather his beloved cheddar. His torso glues to my leg as I yank open the refrigerator door, slide out the drawer, and lift up the rectangular package. His ears perked up in keen attention from the rustle of the plastic.

  I feed him two big chunks that I’m not even sure he tastes in his fervor to choke them down. Goofy and innocent and content. She emerges again. Pink cheeks from washing her face and minty scent from brushing her teeth.

  “Okay, let me get dressed and I’ll be ready.”

  Which means she has to go next door since she never moved her clothes over. Which means she has to leave. I toss the rest of the block down to Gus, much to his delight, and stride to her. Drawing her against me like a damn crazy man. Like I am. Like she makes me.